Upcoming Elections

April 8, 2025 - Ballot Measures

R-12 Springfield School District Board (Three Year Term)

(Vote for 2)

· Sarah Hough

· Kelly Byrne

· Gail Smart

· David Myers

 R-3 Republic School District Board (Three Year Term)

(Vote for 2)

· Travis Edwards

· Robin Davidson

 R-3 Republic School District


Shall Greene County Reorganized School District No. 3 (Republic) issue its general obligation bonds in the amount of $22,000,000, resulting in no estimated increase to the District’s debt service property tax levy, for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, repairing, renovating, furnishing and equipping new and existing school facilities and sites, including safety and security improvements; constructing an expansion at Republic High School to include an indoor activities facility; renovating and remodeling portions of Republic Middle School; and HVAC improvements at the Price Elementary School  gymnasium and the Republic Middle School auxiliary        gymnasium?

 If this question is approved, the District’s debt service property tax levy is estimated to remain unchanged at $0.94 per $100 of assessed valuation of real and personal property.

