Information About Boards
According to the Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington, "Cities and counties appoint citizen boards, commissions, task forces, and committees to advise their legislative bodies on a wide range of policy issues. Some of these boards are designated by statute for a specific purpose, such as a building code board of appeals. Other boards and commissions may be authorized by statute, but it is left up to the discretion of the local governing body whether to create an advisory board or commission." and "The use of boards and commissions may provide advantages, such as providing an in-depth examination of issues or a communication channel between elected officials and the community, bringing a broad range of ideas and expertise to public decision-making, assisting in the resolution of conflicts, and providing training for new leaders."
The City of Battlefield, Missouri has five such boards or commissions:
Advisory Park Board
Board of Adjustments
Board of Alderman
Economic Development Commission
Planning and Zoning